2019 JSAE Annual Congress (Spring)
Date: 22/05/2019 – 24/05/2019
Pacifico Yokohama
1 Chome-1-1 Minatomirai
Nishi Ward, Yokohama
Kanagawa Prefecture
Delegates from the Consortium: Nicola Tobia (CRF)
I went to Yokohama to participate JSAE Annual Congress in order to present the work coming from UC2.5 and WP3, born from the collaboration between CRF S.C.p.A and Siemens Industry SA, which paper was selected for the session Thermal Management and Fluid Dynamics which Contribute to a Mobility Evolution -Heat and Fluid Flow Control, Management for Low-Carbon Mobilities.
The title of my presentation was Methodology Applied to Couple 1D & 3D Models for Electric Vehicles Thermal Management Design – Use of High Fidelity Models for HPC Smart Coupling, which authors are me and Matthieu Ponchant. My time slot was of 25 minutes and I received lots of questions. This interest was confirmed after the session, with some conversations with other people about the presented methodology.
Pacifico Yokohama is a huge building where an impressive number of conferences were held, with different topics: powertrain, body-chassis, human engineering, materials, CAE, electrification, safety and others. The event was mostly attended by Japanese people, even if in my session half of speakers came from Europe. A part of Pacifico Yokohama was dedicated to Automotive Engineering Exposition, where lots of suppliers and car makers showed new technologies at their booths.
I had the opportunity to exchange contacts with several people and I was invited to join the dinner with Computational Fluid Dynamics group, composed by speakers and some attendants of my session. In this context, I could discuss with people about work in my field and have information about their research. As CEO of Mitsubishi Motors highlighted at his conference, every car maker is going towards CASE mobility: connected, autonomous, shared, electric vehicles. This could be noticed both at conferences and booths. Technical sessions were attended to gain information on the current state of the art and ongoing activities. Exhibition has been scouted to see already existing manufacturing technology.
To download the full article presented by Nicola Tobia, please click here.
This article (paper no. 20195049) was originally published in the 2019 JSAE Annual Congress (Spring) Proceedings, and OBELICS has the open-access rights to display the article on its project website.